Collected wisdom | Collective wisdom

A collection of meaningful quotes & my comments

Oumnia EK
4 min readNov 19, 2020
Photo by Michelle Miralles on Unsplash

On this journey of self-realization I started a few years ago, reading has been instrumental. Throughout my readings, I’ve come across deep words and genius ideas. Quotes that have impacted me and heavily contributed to the steps I’ve taken on my path.

They are all in a little black notebook that sits on my kitchen counter. I’d like to share them with the world now — they might spark something in you as they did in me.

To detach from the mind.

“A person cannot see the goodness of the laws if his or her mind is drugged by the love of pleasure and the fear of pain.” Ram Dass

About detaching ourselves from the stuff of this life. Freedom is found when I stop taking this game too seriously, when I understand that nothing matters, including “I”. Letting go can be practised and experienced through meditative activities. When there’s being, the “I” dissolves taking away with it the wants, likes, dislikes, fears and judgments. This quote also resonates with me because it speaks of the mind and the prison it can be. Which makes me think of the yoga sutra:

“Yoga citta vriti nirodaha” Yoga…



Oumnia EK

I live. I learn. I write about it. Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality.